By Ggia - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
New: MECS Country Insight Reports
You can now purchase our Country Insight Reports via Amazon. Our Country Risk Insights series seeks to address potential factors of risk for particular profiles within the MENA region.
The Middle East Consultancy Services provides expertise on the MENA region for public and private organisations
Palestine (59)
Morocco (13)
Lebanon (29)
Yemen (17)
UAE (03)
Algeria (15)
Saudi Arabia (02)
Since the year 2000, MECS has produced thousands of expert witness reports. From January 2017 to April 2024, MECS produced a total of 1,870 reports - including Country Expert Reports, Nationality Reports, and Authentication reports.
Since 2017, MECS produced the following reports:
Iraq (1090)
Syria (138)
Iran (213)
Turkey (46)
Egypt (125)
Kuwait (46)
Afghanistan (67)
Libya (08)
​Home Office CPIN Review - Iraq​
In January 2023, MECS reviewed three Home Office's CPINs on Iraq for the IAGCI. The reports covered documentation, opposition to the KRG, and the humanitarian situation in Iraq
The report will be posted here once published.
Home Office CPIN Review - Afghanistan​
In March 2022, MECS reviewed three Home Office's CPINs on Afghanistan for the IAGCI. The reports covered fear of the Taliban, the security situation, and the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan
The report will be posted here once published.
Country Guidance Case - Iraq​
In 2021, MECS produced a Country Guidance Case for the UK High Tribunal. The report was centred on issues concerning redocumentation in Iraq.
Click here to view the report.
Home Office CPIN Review - Iran
In December 2019, MECS reviewed the Home Office's CPIN on Christians and Christian Converts in Iran for the IAGCI.
Click here to view the report.